
发布时间:2022-11-07 14:20:00

姓    名:马玎














2017.03-   yh1122银河国际






IEEE ACCESS》、《Emerging Markets Finance and Trade》、《International Journal of Technology Management》、《International Journal of Innovation and Technology  Management》、《Entropy》审稿人


  1. Sheng Yankai, Ma D.*. Stock index spot futures arbitrage prediction using machine learning models [J]. Entropy, 2022, 24(10): 1462.

  2. Ma D., Cai Z-S., Zhu C-K. Technology transfer efficiency of universities in China: A three-stage framework based on the dynamic network slacks-based measurement model [J]. Technology in Society, 2022,70,102031.

  3. Ma D., Li Y., Zhu K., Huang H., Cai Z. Who innovates with whom and why? A comparative analysis of the global research networks supporting climate change mitigation [J].Energy Research & Social Science, 2022, 88, 102523.

  4. Wang, J., Li, S.*, Ma, D., & Hao, P. Strategic and economic implications of forward contracting in the presence of capacity expansion [J]. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2022, 134, 107418.

  5. Fei, R.L., Xie, M.Y., Wei X., Ma, D.Has the water rights system reform restrained the water rebound effect? Empirical analysis from China's agricultural sector [J].Journal of Cleaner Production,2021, 246, 106690.

  6. Ma, D., Yu, Q., Li,J., Ge,M. Innovation diusion enabler or barrier: An investigation of international patenting based on temporal exponential random graph models [J]. Technology in Society, 2021, 64: 101456.

  7. Yu,Q., Yu,Z.H., Ma,D*. A Multiplex Network Perspective of Innovation Diffusion: An Information-Behavior Framework. IEEE Access, 2020, 8:36427-36440.

  8. Ma D., Zhang,Y.R.,Zhang,F. The Influence of Network Positions on Exploratory Innovation: An Empirical Evidence from China’s Patent Analysis [J]. Science, Technology and Society, 2020,25(1):184-207.

  9. Zhang, Y.Z., Chen R., Ma D*. A weighted and directed perspective of global stock market connectedness: a variance decomposition and GERGM framework [J]. Sustainability, 2020, 2020,12(11):4605.

  10. Ma,D. Fei,R., Yu, Y. How government regulation impacts on energy and CO2 emissions performance in China's mining industry [J]. Resources Policy, 2018, 62: 651-633.

  11. 马玎,万蓬勃.互联网金融发展、银企关联与创业板公司债务融资[J].金融与保险,2019:12,人大复印资料全文转载.

  12. 马玎,叶建木,刘思施.制度压力调节下的企业生态创新与盈利性的关系研究[J]. 管理学报, 2016, 13(2): 275-284.

  13. Ma D., Yu Y., Liu S., Zhang Y. Dynamics of waste-to-energy incineration R&D collaboration networks: a social network analysis based on patent data [J]. Geosystem Engineering, 2017, 20(2): 59-70.


  1. 《低碳能源技术研发网络的生成、演化和效应研究》,知识产权出版社,2017.



  1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:知识网络与技术转移网络互动的涌现、效应和鲁棒性研究,(72004173),主持;

  2. 创新创业带动就业的有效性与协同性研究,国家社会科学基金项目(198YJ057),主要参与;

  3. 金融创新与经济增长耦合的机理、效率与模式研究,国家社会科学基金项目(17BJL031),主要参与;

  4. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(多层网络视角的高铁对城市间技术转移的影响研究,2021IVB030),主持.

  5. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(金融创新与中小企业发展的系统动力机制分析,2019VI059),主持.


  1. 2022.05参加第八届全国金融硕士教学案例大赛,参赛案例:当人工智能遇见社会网络——商业银行票据风险管理的旧问新解,全国金融教指委评选为优秀案例。

  2. 2022.06武汉理工大学青年教师授课大赛一等奖

  3. 2022.05yh1122银河国际青年教师授课大赛一等奖

  4. 指导并结题2020年国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目《新冠疫情下湖北省国内外舆情风险得评估及应对策略研究》

  5. 指导学士学位论文《多层网络视角下的银行间系统性风险扩散研究—基于广义方差分解和GERGM模型》获武汉理工大学优秀学士学位论文,2021

  6. 指导学士学位论文《基于量化投资的稳定收益alpha 策略研究 —— 圣杯有可能存在吗?》获武汉理工大学优秀学士学位论文,2020

  7. 2019-2020聘期考核优秀

  8. 2018.03yh1122银河国际青年教师授课大赛三等奖
